Interactive Developer Console

Take our API for an interactive test drive using our developer console below. You can also view our comprehensive documentation.

Follow the steps below to start using the console. Note that this console uses a shared demo account. Outside of the console, you'll want to use your own API key and Egnyte account.

  1. If logged into the portal, choose "Manual Input" for the "Existing Client Credentials" dropdown (only necessary if you are logged into this portal).

  2. Paste one of the following demo keys into the "Client ID" field -

    x2g35g8gynb5cedas649m4h4 (for "Implicit/ Javascript Client" OAuth flow)
    5mns35zabc5wbchggw9dru77 (for "Password Credentials" OAuth flow)

  3. For the "Implicit/ Javascript Client" OAuth flow, click "Get Access Token" to proceed. You'll need to enter user credentials after this.

    For the "Password Credentials" flow, you will need to enter user credentials before clicking "Get Access Token".

    You must use the following credentials for our Egnyte test account:

    username: test
    password: password

  4. That's it — you can proceed to test our API methods below!


  • The Permissions API and Audit Reporting API are currently unavailable on the console.
  • Currently only files with fixed placeholder text contents can be created using the Create File endpoint on this console.
  • The Update Single User endpoint in the User Management API is not available in this console. Refer to the written documentation for more details on this method.
  • Select an Interactive Documentation
  • Egnyte Public REST API
Egnyte Public REST API
Manually provide key information

  • Egnyte Filesystem API

  • Egnyte Link API